Hi everyone! I’m trying something new… live stream crafting! I’m super excited but a pinch nervous as well. LOL. I’ve invited some of my crafty friends Kim Kreates and StamprGrl to join me for a low-key craft & chat for World Cardmaking Day on October 1st @2PM PST. I’ve always wanted to try a craft & chat style of live stream because so often I wish I had a second eye and different opinions on paper choice, placement, composition, etc. I’d love to have more crafty friends to bounce ideas off of in real-time!
I hope you’ll join us whether it’s to craft along with us or just hang out and chat with us. This isn’t a tutorial or class or anything instructional, but we welcome you to ask questions and offer your tips & tricks too because we love to learn from you as well. Join us live so we can all get to know each other.
We did agree in advance to all use this sketch (scroll down to the bottom). So I want to share that in advance in case you want to craft along with us and share your makes with us afterwards. If I don’t get to see you on Oct 1, the video will be available on my YouTube channel so you can always catch the replay later.