If you want to invest in making all your greeting card, this post is for you! (If you haven’t made any cards yet, check out my post on how to Start Making Handmade Cards for under $10.) I’ll give you recommendations for handmade card supplies you may want to invest in and why.… Read the rest
Author: L V
Start Making Handmade Cards!
I’ve been scrapbooking for over 25 years, but making handmade cards is a new love. I get to use all the same materials and techniques and best of all I get to share my creations with friends and family. Personalizing cards make them so much more special. In some ways the card is a gift in and of itself because it’s one-of-a-kind and made with love just for the recipient.… Read the rest
Hi and thank you for discovering my blog. This is new to me, so I welcome your support and tips for making this blog more fun and hopefully even useful.
I have always been crafty, but as a woman in technology (software and video games), I put much of that aside.… Read the rest